K.W.Ho丨歷史科 DSE試題集
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架構 德國及意大利是導致第二次世界大戰爆發的主要侵略國,兩國發動侵略、締結侵略同盟,並且破壞集體安全體系,
終使世界性的戰爭變得無可避免。 //立場但衡量之下,德國對於大戰爆發的重要性大於意大利,故題目所言確能成立。
主旨句 其一,德國及意大利發動侵略導致第二次世界大戰爆發。 // 主項A重要性(德國) 德國方面,自希特拉於1933年上台後即野心勃勃, 先於1935年重新武裝,及後在1938年吞併奧地利及蘇台德區,並且在1939年入侵捷克,最終,第二次世界大戰的爆發也因德國突襲波蘭而爆發,可見德國對於大戰的爆發極具重要。 // 主項B重要性(意大利) 另一方面,意大利早於1924年已經強迫南斯拉夫交出阜姆和迫使阿爾巴尼亞成為其保護國,至1930年代, 意大利更分別侵略阿比西尼亞(1935年)和阿爾巴尼亞(1939年),使國際局勢變得更加嚴峻,意大利也成為發起戰爭的侵略國之一。 // 小結 可見,德國及意大利對於大戰的爆發各具重要性。
主旨句 相比之下,德國於發動侵略一事上的重要性遠大於意大利。 // 駁論就侵略規模而言,雖然意大利的侵略早於1920年代已經 出現,包括侵略阜姆和阿爾巴尼亞等,但規模細小,未有進行全面的入侵。然而,德國侵略的規模大,而且部分更是吞佔整個國家,例如奧地利及捷克等,因此對於整個局勢的威脅較大。此外,就英、法等國的反應而言, 意大利於1939年入侵阿爾巴尼亞時,英、法兩國只是予以譴責,未有作出武力上的制止,但當德國於1939年突襲波蘭時,英、法卻發出最後通牒,最終二次大戰也因德國入侵波蘭而爆發。 // 小結因此,就侵略規模及英、法等國的反應均可反映德國的侵略行動對於二次大戰的爆發較意大利的更為重要。
其二,德國及意大利締結侵略同盟,團結侵略勢力以致戰爭的爆發。德國方面,德國於1936年分別與意大利結成「柏林—羅馬軸心」及與日本簽訂《反共產國際協定》,及後,更於1937年組成「柏林—羅馬—東京軸心」, 成功團結侵略勢力,助長了各軸心國的侵略,最終二次大戰也在德、意、日的侵略下爆發。另一方面,意大利對於戰爭爆發的責任在於其不但是「柏林—羅馬—東京軸心」的成員國之一,更甚,意大利也於1939年與德國簽訂了 《鋼鐵條約》,指出兩國在戰爭時需要互相援助,成為兩國進行侵略的強心針,導致大戰的出現。可見,德國及意大利組成侵略同盟,對於戰爭爆發的責任責無旁貸。
相比之下,在締結侵略同盟一事上,德國的重要性大於意大利。首先,就兩國所扮演的角色而言,德國的角色較意大利重要,因德國是同盟組成的號召者,德國於1936年先後分別與意大利及日本建立盟友關係, 及後於1937年再組成三國的同盟。相反,意大利並非組成侵略同盟的始作俑者,只是在德國拉攏下加入的其中一個成員國,因此重要性不及德國。其次,由於德國是同盟的號召者,因此德國也是同盟的核心, 與意大利及日本的關係都較為密切。相反,意大利與日本的關係較為疏遠,也由於意大利的國力較為弱小,所以在同盟中的角色也較為次要。因此,從比較之下可見德國在締結侵略同盟以致戰爭爆發一事上的重要性大於意大利。
其三,德、意兩國破壞集體安全體系,對於大戰爆發也具責任。德國方面,德國多番破壞兩次大戰期間建立的集體安全體系,例如在1933年退出日內瓦會議,拒絕裁軍,結果其他國家深恐德國的死灰復燃而加緊擴軍, 反加劇了軍備競賽。此外,德國更利用《凱格—白里安公約》中的「合法性的防衛權」作為侵略的藉口,以保護蘇台德區的300萬日耳曼人為由,要求強迫合併蘇台德區,使和平條約成為其侵略的藉口。另一方面, 意大利也破壞集體安全體系,例如在1935年侵略阿比西尼亞後雖然受到國聯的經濟制裁,但意大利堅決無視制裁,使國聯的制裁形同虛設。可見,兩國破壞了集體安全體系,對於二次大戰爆發也具重要性。
相比之下,在破壞集體安全體系一事上,德國的重要性大於意大利。在破壞集體安全體系的力度而言,德國自1933年希特拉上台後就變得肆無忌憚,拒絕與國際社會合作,於1933年退出國聯及日內瓦會議, 更不斷進行侵略,逐步挑戰國際社會的底線,對於集體安全體系造成了嚴重的衝擊。然而,相對之下,意大利的態度則較為保守,至國聯於制裁其入侵阿比西尼亞後才退出國聯(1937年),因此對於集體安全體系的衝擊也相對較小。 因此,在破壞集體安全體系一事上,德國的重要性也大於意大利。
Germany and Italy were the major aggressors leading to the outbreak of WW2. By initiating invasions, forming military alliances and destroying the collective security system, they made the world war inevitable. But in comparison, Germany was more important than Italy in causing the world war and the statement concerned is therefore valid.
Firstly, Germany and Italy initiated invasions which led to the outbreak of WW2. In Germany, Hitler had a growing ambition after his rose to power in 1933. He first rearmed in 1935, then annexed Austria奧地利 and Sudetenland蘇台德區 in 1938, and invaded Czechoslovakia in 1939. Eventually, his incursion into Poland波蘭 directly led to the outbreak of WW2. This showed the great significance of Germany in contributing to the outbreak of WW2. On the other hand, Italy forced Yugoslavia to return Fiume阜姆 and turned Albania阿爾巴尼亞 into her protectorate as early as in 1924. In the 1930s, Italy invaded Abyssinia阿比西尼亞(1935) and Albania阿爾巴尼亞(1939) respectively. These invasions worsened the international circumstances and Italy became one of the aggressors leading to the outbreak of WW2. This showed that both Germany and Italy were playing an important role in leading to the outbreak of WW2.
In comparison, German was more significant than Italy in initiating invasions. In terms of the scale of invasions, indeed, Italy started her aggression as early as in the 1920s, including the invasions to Fiume阜姆 and Albania阿爾巴尼亞. But there were no full scale invasions launched and the scale of wars was rather small. However, the scale of German invasions was huge. Some of the invasions even annexed the entire countries, like that in Austria奧地利 and Czechoslovakia捷克. So, the threat created to the circumstance was relatively great. Also, when mentioning the reactions of Britain and France, they just condemned the invasion of Italy to Albania阿爾巴尼亞 in 1939, and no military acts were carried out. But when Germany assaulted Poland波蘭 in 1939, they sent her an ultimatum最後通牒, which eventually sparked off the WW2. Thus, in terms of the scale of invasions, as well as the reactions of Britain and France, Germany’s aggression was more important than Italy in leading to the outbreak of WW2.
Secondly, Germany and Italy formed military alliances and united their forces, which eventually led to the outbreak of WW2. As for Germany, she formed the ‘Berlin-Rome Axis’ 柏林—羅馬軸心 with Italy and the ‘Anti-Comintern Pact’ 反共產國際協定 with Japan respectively in 1936. After that, the ‘Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis’ 柏林—羅馬—東京軸心 was formed in 1937, which successfully united their forces and prompted their invasions to other countries. Eventually, the WW2 was sparked off with the invasions of Germany, Italy and Japan. On the other hand, the responsibility of Italy in leading to the outbreak of WW2 was not only confined to the joining of ‘Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis’ 柏林—羅馬—東京軸心. Worse still, Italy signed the ‘Pact of Steel’ 鋼鐵條約 with Germany in 1939 which demanded military assistance to each other in wars. The cooperation further encouraged the invasions of Italy and Germany, and causing the outbreak of WW2. This showed that Germany and Italy formed military alliances, and they had absolute responsibility in leading to the outbreak of wars.
In comparison, Germany had greater significance than Italy in forming military alliances. First of all, by comparing their role, Germany was playing a more important role than Italy. Germany was the initiator in the forming of alliances. She formed alliances with Italy and Japan in 1936 respectively, and in 1937, the three countries formed another alliance. In opposite, Italy was not the initiator in the forming of alliances. She was only one of the members being invited by Germany to join, and hence had less significance than Germany. Also, Germany was the core member in the alliances due to her role as an initiator. Her relationship with Italy and Japan respectively was closer. In contrast, the relationship between Italy and Japan was relatively distant. Together with the fact that the national strength of Italy was weak, she was playing a relatively less important role in the alliances. Thus, Germany had a greater significance than Italy in the formation of military alliances.
Thirdly, Germany and Italy caused damage to the collective security system, and had responsibility to the outbreak of war. As for Germany, she destroyed the collective security system built in the two World Wars for numerous times. For instance, she quitted the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議 in 1933 and refused to disarm. As a result, fear was created among countries and they actively expanded their armaments. The armament race was worsened. Also, Germany used the ‘legitimate self-defense’ 合法性的防衛權 clause in the Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約 as an excuse to annex Sudetenland. The annexation occurred in the name of protecting the 3-million Germans living in Sudetenland蘇台德區. Peace treaties hence became excuses for aggressors to invade. On the other hand, Italy caused damage to the collective security system as well. For instance, although an economic sanction was imposed on her after her invasion to Abyssinia阿比西尼亞 in 1935, she neglected the sanction and the punishment of the League of Nations became totally useless. This showed that Germany and Italy caused damage to the collective security system and hence contributed to the outbreak of WW2.
In comparison, Germany was more important than Italy in damaging the collective security system. In terms of how much they destroyed the collective security system, Germany created huge damage to the system. She became unscrupulous after Hitler’s rose of power in 1933 and refused to cooperate with the international community. He quitted the League of Nations and the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議 in 1933. Worse still, he initiated numerous invasions and challenged the bottom line of the international community. Huge damage was done to the collective security system. However, in comparison, Italy held a relatively conservative attitude. she quitted the League of Nations (1937) only after the imposition of sanction due to her invasion to Abyssinia阿比西尼亞. So, her damage to the collective security system was relatively small. Thus, Germany had greater significance than Italy in terms of the damage caused to the collective security system.
To sum up, Germany should bear most responsibility for the outbreak of WW2. Germany had greater significance than Italy in initiating invasions, forming military alliances, and destroying the collective security system.
主旨句 其一,德國及意大利發動侵略導致第二次世界大戰爆發。 // 主項A重要性(德國) 德國方面,自希特拉於1933年上台後即野心勃勃, 先於1935年重新武裝,及後在1938年吞併奧地利及蘇台德區,並且在1939年入侵捷克,最終,第二次世界大戰的爆發也因德國突襲波蘭而爆發,可見德國對於大戰的爆發極具重要。 // 主項B重要性(意大利) 另一方面,意大利早於1924年已經強迫南斯拉夫交出阜姆和迫使阿爾巴尼亞成為其保護國,至1930年代, 意大利更分別侵略阿比西尼亞(1935年)和阿爾巴尼亞(1939年),使國際局勢變得更加嚴峻,意大利也成為發起戰爭的侵略國之一。 // 小結 可見,德國及意大利對於大戰的爆發各具重要性。
主旨句 相比之下,德國於發動侵略一事上的重要性遠大於意大利。 // 駁論就侵略規模而言,雖然意大利的侵略早於1920年代已經 出現,包括侵略阜姆和阿爾巴尼亞等,但規模細小,未有進行全面的入侵。然而,德國侵略的規模大,而且部分更是吞佔整個國家,例如奧地利及捷克等,因此對於整個局勢的威脅較大。此外,就英、法等國的反應而言, 意大利於1939年入侵阿爾巴尼亞時,英、法兩國只是予以譴責,未有作出武力上的制止,但當德國於1939年突襲波蘭時,英、法卻發出最後通牒,最終二次大戰也因德國入侵波蘭而爆發。 // 小結因此,就侵略規模及英、法等國的反應均可反映德國的侵略行動對於二次大戰的爆發較意大利的更為重要。
其二,德國及意大利締結侵略同盟,團結侵略勢力以致戰爭的爆發。德國方面,德國於1936年分別與意大利結成「柏林—羅馬軸心」及與日本簽訂《反共產國際協定》,及後,更於1937年組成「柏林—羅馬—東京軸心」, 成功團結侵略勢力,助長了各軸心國的侵略,最終二次大戰也在德、意、日的侵略下爆發。另一方面,意大利對於戰爭爆發的責任在於其不但是「柏林—羅馬—東京軸心」的成員國之一,更甚,意大利也於1939年與德國簽訂了 《鋼鐵條約》,指出兩國在戰爭時需要互相援助,成為兩國進行侵略的強心針,導致大戰的出現。可見,德國及意大利組成侵略同盟,對於戰爭爆發的責任責無旁貸。
相比之下,在締結侵略同盟一事上,德國的重要性大於意大利。首先,就兩國所扮演的角色而言,德國的角色較意大利重要,因德國是同盟組成的號召者,德國於1936年先後分別與意大利及日本建立盟友關係, 及後於1937年再組成三國的同盟。相反,意大利並非組成侵略同盟的始作俑者,只是在德國拉攏下加入的其中一個成員國,因此重要性不及德國。其次,由於德國是同盟的號召者,因此德國也是同盟的核心, 與意大利及日本的關係都較為密切。相反,意大利與日本的關係較為疏遠,也由於意大利的國力較為弱小,所以在同盟中的角色也較為次要。因此,從比較之下可見德國在締結侵略同盟以致戰爭爆發一事上的重要性大於意大利。
其三,德、意兩國破壞集體安全體系,對於大戰爆發也具責任。德國方面,德國多番破壞兩次大戰期間建立的集體安全體系,例如在1933年退出日內瓦會議,拒絕裁軍,結果其他國家深恐德國的死灰復燃而加緊擴軍, 反加劇了軍備競賽。此外,德國更利用《凱格—白里安公約》中的「合法性的防衛權」作為侵略的藉口,以保護蘇台德區的300萬日耳曼人為由,要求強迫合併蘇台德區,使和平條約成為其侵略的藉口。另一方面, 意大利也破壞集體安全體系,例如在1935年侵略阿比西尼亞後雖然受到國聯的經濟制裁,但意大利堅決無視制裁,使國聯的制裁形同虛設。可見,兩國破壞了集體安全體系,對於二次大戰爆發也具重要性。
相比之下,在破壞集體安全體系一事上,德國的重要性大於意大利。在破壞集體安全體系的力度而言,德國自1933年希特拉上台後就變得肆無忌憚,拒絕與國際社會合作,於1933年退出國聯及日內瓦會議, 更不斷進行侵略,逐步挑戰國際社會的底線,對於集體安全體系造成了嚴重的衝擊。然而,相對之下,意大利的態度則較為保守,至國聯於制裁其入侵阿比西尼亞後才退出國聯(1937年),因此對於集體安全體系的衝擊也相對較小。 因此,在破壞集體安全體系一事上,德國的重要性也大於意大利。
‘Compare to Italy, Germany should be more responsible for the outbreak of the Second World War.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer with reference to the period 1919-39.
Germany and Italy were the major aggressors leading to the outbreak of WW2. By initiating invasions, forming military alliances and destroying the collective security system, they made the world war inevitable. But in comparison, Germany was more important than Italy in causing the world war and the statement concerned is therefore valid.
Firstly, Germany and Italy initiated invasions which led to the outbreak of WW2. In Germany, Hitler had a growing ambition after his rose to power in 1933. He first rearmed in 1935, then annexed Austria奧地利 and Sudetenland蘇台德區 in 1938, and invaded Czechoslovakia in 1939. Eventually, his incursion into Poland波蘭 directly led to the outbreak of WW2. This showed the great significance of Germany in contributing to the outbreak of WW2. On the other hand, Italy forced Yugoslavia to return Fiume阜姆 and turned Albania阿爾巴尼亞 into her protectorate as early as in 1924. In the 1930s, Italy invaded Abyssinia阿比西尼亞(1935) and Albania阿爾巴尼亞(1939) respectively. These invasions worsened the international circumstances and Italy became one of the aggressors leading to the outbreak of WW2. This showed that both Germany and Italy were playing an important role in leading to the outbreak of WW2.
In comparison, German was more significant than Italy in initiating invasions. In terms of the scale of invasions, indeed, Italy started her aggression as early as in the 1920s, including the invasions to Fiume阜姆 and Albania阿爾巴尼亞. But there were no full scale invasions launched and the scale of wars was rather small. However, the scale of German invasions was huge. Some of the invasions even annexed the entire countries, like that in Austria奧地利 and Czechoslovakia捷克. So, the threat created to the circumstance was relatively great. Also, when mentioning the reactions of Britain and France, they just condemned the invasion of Italy to Albania阿爾巴尼亞 in 1939, and no military acts were carried out. But when Germany assaulted Poland波蘭 in 1939, they sent her an ultimatum最後通牒, which eventually sparked off the WW2. Thus, in terms of the scale of invasions, as well as the reactions of Britain and France, Germany’s aggression was more important than Italy in leading to the outbreak of WW2.
Secondly, Germany and Italy formed military alliances and united their forces, which eventually led to the outbreak of WW2. As for Germany, she formed the ‘Berlin-Rome Axis’ 柏林—羅馬軸心 with Italy and the ‘Anti-Comintern Pact’ 反共產國際協定 with Japan respectively in 1936. After that, the ‘Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis’ 柏林—羅馬—東京軸心 was formed in 1937, which successfully united their forces and prompted their invasions to other countries. Eventually, the WW2 was sparked off with the invasions of Germany, Italy and Japan. On the other hand, the responsibility of Italy in leading to the outbreak of WW2 was not only confined to the joining of ‘Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis’ 柏林—羅馬—東京軸心. Worse still, Italy signed the ‘Pact of Steel’ 鋼鐵條約 with Germany in 1939 which demanded military assistance to each other in wars. The cooperation further encouraged the invasions of Italy and Germany, and causing the outbreak of WW2. This showed that Germany and Italy formed military alliances, and they had absolute responsibility in leading to the outbreak of wars.
In comparison, Germany had greater significance than Italy in forming military alliances. First of all, by comparing their role, Germany was playing a more important role than Italy. Germany was the initiator in the forming of alliances. She formed alliances with Italy and Japan in 1936 respectively, and in 1937, the three countries formed another alliance. In opposite, Italy was not the initiator in the forming of alliances. She was only one of the members being invited by Germany to join, and hence had less significance than Germany. Also, Germany was the core member in the alliances due to her role as an initiator. Her relationship with Italy and Japan respectively was closer. In contrast, the relationship between Italy and Japan was relatively distant. Together with the fact that the national strength of Italy was weak, she was playing a relatively less important role in the alliances. Thus, Germany had a greater significance than Italy in the formation of military alliances.
Thirdly, Germany and Italy caused damage to the collective security system, and had responsibility to the outbreak of war. As for Germany, she destroyed the collective security system built in the two World Wars for numerous times. For instance, she quitted the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議 in 1933 and refused to disarm. As a result, fear was created among countries and they actively expanded their armaments. The armament race was worsened. Also, Germany used the ‘legitimate self-defense’ 合法性的防衛權 clause in the Kellogg-Briand Pact凱格—白里安公約 as an excuse to annex Sudetenland. The annexation occurred in the name of protecting the 3-million Germans living in Sudetenland蘇台德區. Peace treaties hence became excuses for aggressors to invade. On the other hand, Italy caused damage to the collective security system as well. For instance, although an economic sanction was imposed on her after her invasion to Abyssinia阿比西尼亞 in 1935, she neglected the sanction and the punishment of the League of Nations became totally useless. This showed that Germany and Italy caused damage to the collective security system and hence contributed to the outbreak of WW2.
In comparison, Germany was more important than Italy in damaging the collective security system. In terms of how much they destroyed the collective security system, Germany created huge damage to the system. She became unscrupulous after Hitler’s rose of power in 1933 and refused to cooperate with the international community. He quitted the League of Nations and the Geneva Conference日內瓦會議 in 1933. Worse still, he initiated numerous invasions and challenged the bottom line of the international community. Huge damage was done to the collective security system. However, in comparison, Italy held a relatively conservative attitude. she quitted the League of Nations (1937) only after the imposition of sanction due to her invasion to Abyssinia阿比西尼亞. So, her damage to the collective security system was relatively small. Thus, Germany had greater significance than Italy in terms of the damage caused to the collective security system.
To sum up, Germany should bear most responsibility for the outbreak of WW2. Germany had greater significance than Italy in initiating invasions, forming military alliances, and destroying the collective security system.