

Alan Chan


English生活Daily Life

經過幾波疫情之後,相信讀者們都會好好珍惜光顧髮型屋的機會,但你們又知不知道我們常常說的中文詞彙如:“剪短一些”、 “染髮”、 “淺啞金色”的英文應該怎樣說呢? 如果日後有機會移民或到海外升學,其實是有必要學習相關的英文知識,想剪個靚頭就請看看以下故事。

Alan和Gina今晚要代表公司出席一個宴會,當然一定要set個靚頭,以免失禮,所以他們打算找效力KGE Salon的殿堂級髮型大師Chiu Banana為他們理髮。 那麼高級的髮型屋,當然要致電預約時間!

Receptionist Good morning, KGE Salon. May I help you?
Alan I would like to make an appointment for hairdo, please?
Receptionist What time would you like to come?
Alan : 3 pm, and i'll go with my friend.
Receptionist Any designated stylist?
Alan : Chiu Banana, Please.
Receptionist Alright, 3pm, 2 persons... Chiu Bannana, right?
Alan : Exactly. Thank you.
Receptionist Welcome. See you later.

make an appointment 預約
hairdo 理髮
designated stylist 指定的髮型師

二人到達髮型屋後,Alan為表示紳士風度,就先讓Chiu Banana為Gina理髮。
Chiu What can I do for you today, Gina?
Gina I want my hair shampooed and set for tonight’s ball.
Chiu OK, I’ll do my best for you.
Gina Do you have any pictures of new hairstyles? I’d like to try something hip.
Chiu Sure, here are the latest styles. Look at this noble style. It’s so elegant! Your hair is long and auburn in colour. It’ll look perfect in a knot at the back.
Gina But won’t it make my face look too round – just like a pig with a butterfly on its head?
Chiu Absolutely not. I’m sure it’ll look quite nice on you. It suits tonight’s occasion so much. Trust me!
Gina Mm……, go ahead then. Anyway, if it looks bad, can you restyle it for me?
Chiu Of course.

shampooed 洗髮
hip. “潮”
noble style 高貴型
elegant 優雅的
auburn 褐紅色
knot 蝴蝶結
look quite nice on 很好看
restyle 重新造型


Chiu Alan, how would you like your hair?
Alan I’d like to have a haircut and a shampoo.
Chiu OK, how do you like to have it cut today?
Alan I need a layered style, but don’t cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim it a little.
Chiu How about on top?
Alan Mm……, thin the top out a little, but just a little.
Chiu Very well. Do you do hair colouring?
Alan Good idea! For the colour, any suggestion?
Chiu Try light ash blonde. It’s very in vogue now.
Alan OK, do my hair like this please.

how would you like your hair 你想如何整理你的頭髮?
layered style 有層次的造型
trim 修剪
thin out “偷薄”
hair coloring 染髮
light ash blonde 淺啞金色
in vogue 目前正在流行

最後,他們都剪了一個相當令人滿意的髮型,Chiu Banana不愧為享負盛名的殿堂級髮型大師!Gina本身那高貴優雅的氣質,從她的髮型中毫不保留地散發出來,而Alan亦能因改變了髮型,由「醬爆」變成了「潮爆」。

Alan Wow, you look like an angel, Meg!
Gina : Thanks, you also look great, Alan.
Alan Thanks for the haircut, Chiu. Keep the change.
Chiu Thank you. Bye!
Both : Bye!

Keep the change 不用找贖

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Alan Chan

Alan Chan

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