
Samantha Chung
EnglishVocabularyDaily Life

大麻二酚(Cannabidiol,CBD),大麻的一種有效成分,具有保護神經、抗氧化的能力, 可以治療癲癇等病,但不會造成精神亢奮,也可以緩和四氫大麻酚的負面影響,是醫療用大麻的主要成分...
自從CBD產品在美國合法化後,產品的增長如雨後春筍,全球銷售的產品種類繁多, 如: CBD油、護膚品和寵物零食等。 香港海關今年1月中起展開一個代號「乘風」特別行動, 針對市面上含有可造成身體嚴重傷害的四氫大麻酚(THC)中的大麻二酚(CBD)產品。

海關人員採取執法行動,突擊搜查兩個儲存倉庫和7間售賣CBD產品的零售店, 包括一間大型連鎖零售店旗下的3間分店。 海關檢獲約2.5萬件懷疑含有THC的CBD產品, 市值約1460萬元,5男4女被捕,包括大型連鎖零售店的男採購經理及店長。 現在來讓我們來學習一下有關CBD的主題詞彙。

  1. Psychoactive (adj.) 影響精神行為的
    Hong Kong customs has arrested nine people and seized 25,000 CBD goods worth HK$14.6 million in an operation and the products were found to contain traces of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive substance in cannabis.

    香港海關在行動中拘捕9人,查獲價值2.5萬件CBD商品1,460 萬,產品被發現含 有微量四氫大麻酚,大麻中的主要影響精神行為的物質。

  2. Hallucination (n.) 幻覺
    CBD products are allowed in Hong Kong as long as the prohibited ingredients derived from cannabis including THC are not present. THC is banned in Hong Kong as it will lead to addiction and hallucinations.

    CBD 產品就可以在香港使用,只要不存在含有大麻的違禁成分包括 THC。 THC 在 香港被禁止,因會導致成癮和幻覺。

  3. Depression (n.) 抑鬱
    Cannabidiol (CBD) or cannabis-derived CBD products are believed to be an effective treatment for anxiety, insomnia and depression around the world.

    大麻二酚或大麻衍生的 CBD 產品被認為是一種有效的治療世界各地的焦慮、失眠 和抑鬱症。

  4. Confiscated (v.) 把…充公
    The confiscated products made with cannabidiol, a legal substance derived from cannabis and its close relative hemp including oil, skincare products and dog food. Some of the products were sold in one of the city’s largest health and beauty product retail chains Mannings.

    被充公產品是用大麻二酚製成的,大麻二酚是一種來自大麻及其近親,包括油、護 膚品和狗糧。部分產品在全港最大的保健美容中心之一銷售產品零售連鎖萬寧。

  5. Import (v.) 進口
    Hong Kong is now filled with increasing amounts of CBD products which are imported and claim no THC as an ingredient ranging from mineral water to dog food.

    香港現在充斥著越來越多的 CBD 產品進口,並聲稱沒有 THC ,從礦泉水到狗食 物。

  6. Prevelant (adj.) 流行的
    Thanks to the powerful properties in relieving the mind and body, medicinal cannabis and its related goods are prevalent across the globe these days.


  7. Tout (v.) 吹捧
    Touted as an aid to relaxation and a natural remedy for everything from anxiety to insomnia and muscle pain, CBD is one of more than 100 chemical compounds found in the cannabis.

    被為有助於放鬆和自然療法,從焦慮到失眠和肌肉疼痛,CBD 是在大麻中發現 100 多種化合物之一。

  8. Cumulative (adj.) 累積的
    CBD has potential risks as some scientists believe it can cause damage to the liver at high doses, and it may have a cumulative effect. If people consume CBD in breakfast, lunch and dinner, they could get a toxic dose.

    CBD具有潛在風險,因為一些科學家認為高劑量時它會對肝臟造成損害,可能會產 生累積的效應。如果人們在早餐、午餐和晚餐都服用CBD,他們可能會中毒。

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Samantha Chung

Samantha Chung

  • 6 Courses